Can I get a “YES!”

With my new job, I offer free in-home consultations, measure and install service for window treatments with thousands of pattern and color choices to create a custom look for someone’s home.

When I first started, I thought it was going to be easy to get people to buy. Well, let me tell you that it is challenging. (However, I love challenges no matter how difficult.) My first 2-3 weeks starting out, I did not get anyone to buy anything. I think mostly because people do not realize how much custom draperies cost. A pair draperies can start off at relatively $1500 and that’s just a plain simple solid without any kind of detail.  Trust me, most of my clients are not looking for simple by any means. Don’t get me wrong though, simple definitely can have a statement depending on how you execute the design and what else is going on the room. Most of my clients want their draperies to be one of their focal points.

Before, I received my first “yes,” I was literally almost at my breaking point. I was so frustrated and felt defeated because I kept constantly hearing no over and over again. The look on a clients’ faces when I quoted out the cost took me a while to get used to. They would literally be in a moment of shock. At that point, it is on me to convince the customer that what they selected is worth the money they are going to spend and that it is going to look wonderful. You need to give them that “reassurance.”

So, you can believe I was excited to finally hear a “YES!” It is going to be beautiful and the client is going to absolutely love it. If this first part of the project goes well, she is going to do several more rooms in her home. Within the same week, I got another “YES!” and now the project is underway and they plan on doing several more rooms as well. I can’t wait to see the window treatments up in the rooms. I will be sharing pictures with you all.

My main point in sharing all this is that being in a sales position where you have to go to people’s home is hard. You are on the customer’s turf playing by what sometimes seems like their rules. The key is to allow the customer to think that they are making all the decisions when you really are. You guiding them to the solution they want. Someone told me that in the beginning you will hear more no then yes; however, when you get your first yes, they are going to start coming more frequently and your clientele is going to start growing. It is a hurdle. I believe hearing that helped me to keep going and overcome that feeling of defeat.

Wish me luck as I continue on with the many challenges that my job will give me. It definitely keeps it fun and interesting.


Creative and Unique

So I know I said I would have those boxes posted on certain days, but I have been very sick with a cold. I barely go to work. I am one of those people who when they are sick it’s all bad. I am working really hard to get things done so they can get listed on Etsy, so please just bear with me. I have listed the Blood Lad Coffin, so go check it out.


Well in the meantime, I came across this little cool looking light. It is made by a company called Doulex. I really like how fun this light is. The little guy pulling the plug definitely mad me laugh and feel a little bit better.  It would definitely be perfect for any kid’s room. Unfortunately, I had a hard time finding where to buy it. Although, I do not have any children I would not mind having it.


My First Custom Request!!

So, I am excited to say that I received by first custom request for a trinket box. The customer wants it to be Batman themed and that’s all I have to work with. She just said surprise her because the person she is giving it to likes anything Batman. I am kind of nervous about how much free range there is and really hope she likes it.

Here are some sneak peaks of what the box will look like:

2013-06-01 08.19.49 2013-06-01 08.20.04

I will show you all the finished product in a few days with what she thinks. I hope this is the Batman she was looking for.


Design Portfolio Website

Design Portfolio

I have finally redone my website for my design portfolio. It features my interior design projects, graphic design, and, of course, Cre8ive Obsessions products. I am still working on adding more things but I wanted to at least get it up and running with a few things and get feedback along the way.

Speaking of feedback, this is where you all come in. I would greatly appreciate any feedback you all have to improve on the website. Click the image to go straight there. Thanks!
